External Assessments

University End Semester Exam

Final attainment is evaluated on the basis of end semester examinations. Question papers are discussed prior the exams to get the students acquainted with the type and nature of questions. Review of results is done by the faculty to ensure the attainment of prescribed outcome. Level of outcome is classified on basis of grades scored by the student in various courses. Discussion with the students are done to identify the strength and weakness.

Project and Viva

Academic projects form part of University Syllabus for various Programmes. Projects are one of the effective means to reach and implement theory into real world scenario. The guidance from supervising faculty enables better performance. Viva is an integral part of project evaluation. It examines presentation skills, communication skills language proficiency and team work.


Internship form a part of curriculum for different programmes. Internships provide work experience, research experience and enables to put theory into practice

Internal Assessments

Class Tests /Oral Discussions

Class tests are conducted for continuous evaluation. Simplified portion enable students to learn well. Oral discussions also provide opportunities to identify their learning and memory skills and enhance confidence level.


Innovative /out of the text assignments enhances inquisitiveness and enquiry. Assignments are evaluated on basis of rubrics which differs for different departments.


It enhances presentation skills and bring forth innovative ideas in the relevant areas. ICT skills are also developed.

Internal Assessment Exams

Two internal exams are conducted in a semester in accordance with university exam blue print. Performance is evaluated in detail and suggestions provided. Verified answer scripts are provided to the students.Two internal exams are conducted in a semester in accordance with university exam blue print. Performance is evaluated in detail and suggestions provided. Verified answer scripts are provided to the students.Two internal exams are conducted in a semester in accordance with university exam blue print. Performance is evaluated in detail and suggestions provided. Verified answer scripts are provided to the students.

Classroom Participation

Consistency in learning process is analysed through classroom participation. Classroom interactions, discussions, debates, quizzing etc. inculcate spirit of enquiry and makes easier learning of concepts, current issues and advancements.Consistency in learning process is analysed through classroom participation. Classroom interactions, discussions, debates, quizzing etc. inculcate spirit of enquiry and makes easier learning of concepts, current issues and advancements.

Internal Viva

Internal and Model Viva is conducted prior to External Viva. Students are guided on how to present their projects and answer questions effectively. This identifies the potential of the students in presentation of the projects

Student Progression

Class Tutors keep a record of student progression and this provides a report on how far students have attained the outcomes

Feedback on Curriculum

Feedback on curriculum from students enables to identify how far the outcomes are realized and what changes need to be incorporated in teaching learning to facilitate realization of outcomes.

Evaluation of Attainment of POs/COs