Goals: –
 To ensure Political Science as a subject of interest, curiosity and research.
 To strengthen social, moral and spiritual values in the students to help them
to grow as responsible citizens.
 To understand the “Science” of Political Science… Learn from political
science how to properly define a political situation, stakeholders, the
“problem”, what is wanted and why. To Review the applicable laws and
their histories and current political status quo. Then envision a mission: set
realistic goals towards a solution – preferably measurable.
 To understand the “Art” of Politics… Because we’re human and the art of
politics is the ghost of political machines. It’s a collaborative sport of
negotiations and trust. Learn how the ARTS are used in politics – – history,
philosophy, mass persuasion, propaganda, psychology, communications,
leadership, showmanship, salesmanship, public speaking, forensics and
debate, etc. 
 To help,define and envision success after College… College costing
what it does these days, it should help crystalize what is important to
you, what you ‘stand for’ and would ‘fight for’, and why, and then
suggest how you can achieve it. Political science as a major point
towards careers in law, public service etc.
 To make people better citizens… Be it of a state, country, the world, a
religion, business, etc., Political Science students should learn what their
duties and responsibilities are within groups and how they can carry
them out and advance a cause’ or mission.
 To imparting knowledge of the State.
 To imparting knowledge of government and administration:
 To imparting knowledge about the world:
 To develop democratic values:
 To develop the quality of good citizenship:
 To generate the spirit of co-operation and toleration:
 To provide information and idea about State and Government:
 To provide good idea about Government, Administration and Diplomacy.
There is the need of studying Political Science in a country like India. As a result
of the independence movement, the colonial Britain left India, and democracy has
been introduced in independent India, but political independence is far from strong
and stable as people are far away from social and economic freedom and justice.
Progress has been made, but the road to meaningful freedom, equality and justice
is long. It is important that the efficiency, commitment and integrity of government
be increased and the people become conscious, dutiful and vigilant. The study of
politics contributes to generation of these qualities.
Objectives: –
The primary objective of the study political science is to inculcate
knowledge of the state,its origin, nature, structure and function.
Political science is said to be a science of statesmanship and leadership.
The administrators, political leaders,and diplomats,who conduct the affairs of
the state,also require sound knowledge of political science.
In order to know what is happening in the world around us, at least
elementary knowledge of political science is necessary. Individual cannot live
in isolation, similarly country has to maintain relations with other countries of
the world.
The study of political science makes people conscious of their rights and
duties. Knowledge of political science makes citizen vigilant,alert,and
Political science teaches the lesson of cooperation, adjustment and
toleration.People of all walks of life should cooperate for the better
development of the country.
Political science helps us to understand the mechanism and
constitutional system of modern government.
Keeping in mind its importance Aristotle regarded political science as
The mission of Political Science is to continually improve and protect the
quality of life within a group, community, state, country, or the world.
Political Science is the study of power relationships – competing interests.
Most simply, it teaches you how to get what you want – be it political/legal, social,
economic, historical, or even in a career. And then it teaches us how to sustain,
improve, and protect whatever it is that has been gained.